
Midwifery is a health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, as well as the sexual and reproductive health of women throughout their lives.

Pregnancy Care

At Midwife360 we are committed to providing the Midwifery Model of Care which by definition means evidence-based medicine. We support every pregnant client to have a functional medicine consult (preferably at the beginning of their journey).

All along the way we are vigilant to the results of tests, the recommendations of the MDs we collaborate with, and the needs and wants of our patients. The purpose of prenatal care is first and foremost the search for signs of disease or malfunction in mom or baby that would benefit from medical management, secondarily, and very important for home birth, it is a vehicle to get to know the patient in anticipation of having a very intimate, personal experience with them. We get to know your birthing preferences and strive to meet them with every family.


We strive to ensure you are fully aware and prepared for the birth you desire through our hour-long prenatal visits and the childbirth education course you choose. 

We currently provide birth services in your home or a homelike location within our service area of your choosing.

When we come to you for labor and birth we carry all the standard supplies, equipment, and medications used in the hospital, including oxygen, IV supplies and fetal monitoring doppler, to name a few, for your newborn as well as the necessities for postpartum care.

Doula Services

We have several  doulas that we work with a lot and can recommend many more in our community. We strongly recommend that you hire a doula, especially if this is your first birth or your first home birth. We prefer that you work with a doula that is experienced, empathetic, and a home birth momma; one who is committed to helping each client have the most comfortable labor and birth possible.  Gina Conner with First Light Doula is highly recommended as are the doulas who work with The Orchid Nest. We also have a list of low or no cost doulas if money is a concern.

what to expect from a doula

Postpartum care

After assisting you to birth your newborn we ensure you feel comfortable and well supported beyond your routine care check ups. We are here to ensure the normal healing of your body as it journeys through motherhood and answer any questions about these changes.


At Midwife360 we offer care and counseling for family planning that can range from planning your pregnancy and birth, to addressing fertility issues or the implementation of birth control. We can educate regarding the many options for non-hormonal or natural family planning. We are affiliated with TempDrop which allows for a 10% discount on the product.

360 Women's care

Our 360 Women’s Healthcare includes care of young girls and teens for gynecology issues, through the decades and into menopause. Education on PAP-smears and HPV, thermography,  STDs, pregnancy & prevention strategies, birth control, fertility issues, mammogram and ultrasound prescriptions, any vaginal or genital discomfort and convenient electronic prescriptions and medical records.

need a consultation?

Self Pay Prices of 2024!

*Please be advised, ALL  clients will now pay the no call/no show (NCNS) $50 fee to hold any future appointments. This will be credited towards any fees for services or products. Home birth consultations are $100 and this fee will be assessed when the appointment is made – NO EXCEPTIONS* 


New Patients

Established Patients


If you are pregnant with di-di twins OR had one or more previous cesareans and want or need to see Fadwah throughout your entire pregnancy and birth. This guarantees her presence at this more complex scenario

If you had one or more cesareans this puts you into a more complex scenario

If you would like to secure Fadwah for your birth.

(External Cephalic Version (ECV), is a procedure used to turn a baby from a breech position to a head-down position. Midwife Fadwah has about a 50% success rate, there is no guarantee that your baby will turn, and it is done after performing an unofficial ultrasound to confirm position. After the ECV, you will be monitored with a Non-Stress Test (NST) and Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) ultrasound. This price includes 2 attempts.)

There is nothing more concerning than having a newborn that is losing or not gaining weight. When your dream is exclusive breast feeding and you are facing the reality of having to supplement in order to grow your baby, you want an experienced and dedicated lactation consultant who has the same desires as you for feeding your baby – whatever that looks like. It could be exclusive breastfeeding, exclusive breastmilk in a bottle, or a combination. Sometimes the problem lies with tight oral tissues also known as tongue- or lip-tie. We refer to the pediatric dental specialist, Dr Saadia Mohammed of Palm Beach Pediatric Dentistry as our tongue tie specialist of choice.