Family Planning

Natural family planning

How To: Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning, sometimes referred to as fertility awareness, is a unique method of birth control that doesn’t rely on drugs or devices. This method, lauded for its lack of

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menstrual cycle tracking benefits

Menstrual Cycle Tracking Benefits

Women have been experiencing the ebbs and flows of their menstrual cycles for centuries. However, we have only recently begun to truly understand and appreciate the importance of tracking these

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Best Songs for Labor and Delivery

Creating the Perfect Playlist for an Empowering Birth Experience Preparing for childbirth can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time. As your due date approaches, you may be looking for ways

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8 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Regardless of your view on pregnancy, one thing’s for sure, it’s a life-changing experience. Whether you’re familiar with pregnancy, or this is your first go-round, this is a journey that

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Creating Value in Childbirth

It is well known that the American childbirth culture is very expensive with very poor performance AND little of what happens to birthing people in hospitals is evidence-based.

Baby girl few minutes after the birth

High-tech Childbirth is Not Always Better

When it comes to childbirth, high tech is not better than low tech. I have been privileged to attend many out of hospital births and many more in hospital births. Even a ‘normal’ birth in the hospital typically comes with continuous fetal monitoring and epidural.

Call to Action

My name is Fadwah Halaby and I am a certified nurse midwife serving families in

Natural Birth After C-Section

Can I have a vaginal birth if I already had a c section? The short answer is, “YES! YOU CAN!” While the long answer requires a conversation about various risks – risks of a VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean, AND risks of repeat surgery.