What is Hypnobirthing?
For many expectant parents, the thought of childbirth can evoke a mix of emotions: excitement, joy, and often, fear. What if there was a way to transform that fear into
For many expectant parents, the thought of childbirth can evoke a mix of emotions: excitement, joy, and often, fear. What if there was a way to transform that fear into
The top ways to prepare for a positive labor and birth experience begin long before the actual labor starts. At Midwife360, we talk about our “Recipe for Success” when we are discussing a client’s birth plans.
It is well known that the American childbirth culture is very expensive with very poor performance AND little of what happens to birthing people in hospitals is evidence-based.
Health Insurance A Lose:Lose Situation for Consumers and Providers
When it comes to childbirth, high tech is not better than low tech. I have been privileged to attend many out of hospital births and many more in hospital births. Even a ‘normal’ birth in the hospital typically comes with continuous fetal monitoring and epidural.
My name is Fadwah Halaby and I am a certified nurse midwife serving families in
Can I have a vaginal birth if I already had a c section? The short answer is, “YES! YOU CAN!” While the long answer requires a conversation about various risks – risks of a VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean, AND risks of repeat surgery.
Let me tell you a story… Let’s talk about what’s wrong with the current Medical