Why Choose a Midwife for Home Birth?
When thinking about having a baby, pregnant women have different healthcare options to think about. One of these options is to have a midwife support them during a home birth, which
When thinking about having a baby, pregnant women have different healthcare options to think about. One of these options is to have a midwife support them during a home birth, which
Home birth with a midwife is an option for expectant mothers seeking a more personal and natural childbirth experience. In this scenario, labor and delivery occur in the comfort of
As you embark on your journey to motherhood, the choice of who will provide your prenatal care, assist your delivery, and support you in the postnatal period is crucial. For
Home births in the United States have been steadily increasing in recent years, with more and more expectant parents choosing this alternative option for delivering their babies. According to a
Giving birth is a transformative experience, and for many families, the idea of a home birth holds a special appeal. Home births offer a unique set of benefits, but it
Pregnancy is a unique and oftentimes wonderful experience, however, it does come with its own set of challenges. Although first-time mothers may have some insight as to what to expect,
What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia in a nutshell is a complicated and/or high risk pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia usually starts to form around 20 weeks of pregnancy. It can also develop after birth
Cervical mucus is essential in the conception process because it nourishes and protects sperm as it travels through the female reproductive path to reach the egg. The amount and type of
It is well known that the American childbirth culture is very expensive with very poor performance AND little of what happens to birthing people in hospitals is evidence-based.
Health Insurance A Lose:Lose Situation for Consumers and Providers
When it comes to childbirth, high tech is not better than low tech. I have been privileged to attend many out of hospital births and many more in hospital births. Even a ‘normal’ birth in the hospital typically comes with continuous fetal monitoring and epidural.
My name is Fadwah Halaby and I am a certified nurse midwife serving families in
Can I have a vaginal birth if I already had a c section? The short answer is, “YES! YOU CAN!” While the long answer requires a conversation about various risks – risks of a VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean, AND risks of repeat surgery.
Let me tell you a story… Let’s talk about what’s wrong with the current Medical